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Jamal Benhayoun hits bookstalls with ‘narration, navigation and colonialism’

In this unique script, Prof Jamal, a member of Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies’(PIPS) Advisory Board, has tried to establish a connection between narration and navigation with strong arguments that heroes and authors of the 17th and 18th century English narrative adventures were involved in shipping and navigation. The author quoted several English narrations, and in all cases, these narratives start with the narrators on board ships and end with them once again taking charge of their ships and sailing back home.

The Author: Jamal Eddine Benhayoun was born in Marrakech in 1968. He is currently holding the position of Professor of English and Comparative Cultural Studies at Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Tetuan, Morocco. He is the founder member of the Research Group for Moroccan Studies in English (REGMOSE). Prof Jamal had joined the PIPS’ Advisory Board last year.
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