PIPS condemns remarks of BJP leaders against Holy Prophet
Press Release (June 6, 2022)
Islamabad – Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS) strongly condemns the derogatory remarks made against the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by leaders of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
We express our strong condemnation and denunciation over some disrespectful comments about the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) made by BJP leaders. The remarks cause serious damage to the ongoing efforts of civil society, human rights organizations and other stakeholders to bring peaceful coexistence and interfaith harmony in South Asia.
PIPS, an Islamabad-based policy research and advocacy institute, is also deeply concerned that allowing such remarks to continue with impunity not only poses a grave danger to the protection of human rights but also may lead to further marginalization of Muslims of India. We are fearful that such happenings warn about creation of a new cycle of violence and hate against the minorities living in India.
We call upon the world community and international human rights organizations to take notice of it. India must ensure freedom of religious beliefs as disrespecting holy personalities may further encourage radical elements to persecute Muslims living there.
India must take immediate steps to ensure safety and security of minorities, and allow them to profess and practise their faith in peace.