An independent think-tank

PIPS SouthAsiaNet

An online academic magazine resource, SouthAsiaNet focuses on national, regional and global issues linked to PIPS’ mandated areas of work. SouthAsiaNet carries reports and blogs on a range of sociocultural, politico-ideological, economic, and military aspects of internal and regional security, conflict and peacebuilding, counter-violent extremism (CVE), democratic governance and ideas, as well as emerging geoeconomic and strategic issues and affairs. In addition to research papers and journalistic reports, this portal also provides space for exclusive profiles of various political, religious and militant outfits that are active in South Asia, East Asia and Central Asia.

SouthAsiaNet is a shared portal that builds upon inputs from PIPS network of resource persons, who are present in all major parts of Pakistan. Also part of ‘ PIPS virtual resource pool’, they include academicians, media persons, experts, and civil society activists. The purpose of reviving SouthAsiaNet is to pool up and disseminate empirically available insight, mainly during the times when coronavirus pandemic has restricted the research-related fieldwork and data collection. The PIPS network of resource persons, who are present in almost all parts of the country, will be making up for that limitation by providing the first-hand information and analyses.   


Political crisis in Pakistan: is democracy responsible?

With another Prime Minister ousted before completing his five-year term, many blame Pakistan's instability on the democratic system of power competition among political parties. But Fizza Batool argues that illiberalism, not democracy, is to blame The power game and the blame game On 10 April 2022, Imran Khan, the 18th Prime Minister of…
Pakistan Terrorism Watch