Understanding the Militants’s Media in Pakistan: Outreach and impact

- Critical Ideologies: A Debate on Takfeer & Khurooj
- بر صغیر کی دینی روایات میں برداشت کا عنصر
- مسئلہ تکفیر و خروج
- جہاد ، جنگ اور دہشت گردی
- Dynamics of Taliban Insurgency in FATA
- Understanding the Militants's Media in Pakistan: Outreach and impact
- Conflict and Insecurity in Balochistan
- The Militant : Development of a Jihadi character in Pakistan
- Sabaoon-II Deradicalization Program
A report by Pak Institute for Peace Studies
Release Date: April 2010
ISBN: 978-969-9370-05-2
Edition: 2nd
Length: 224 Pages
Product Description
The book aims to map militant media, its genesis and evolution in Pakistan. Content Analysis of militant print media reveals that the use of diction, terminologies style and tone of militant media is totally different from the mainstream media. The book also discusses the impact of militants' media on the society at large. According to the findings of this research Jihadi print media has been promoting global Jihad in one way or the other. The study illustrates that Jihadi publications focused particularly on Iraq, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bosnia, Arakan (Myanmar), Eritrea, Palestine, Sistan (Iran), China and Central Asia. Criticism of the United States, Russia and the West, calling them infidels, anti- Muslim and anti-Islam has been a regular feature of such publications. The book concludes that the militant media is gradually expanding its influence and outreach. The book outlines a series of recommendations that can support efforts to contain militants' media in Pakistan.
Price: $25