National Policy brief-2 Reintegration of Militants

- Punjab Policy brief-1 Securing Punjab’s social & cultural diversity
- Punjab Policy brief-2 Social harmony and equal citizenship
- Punjab Policy brief-3 Safe charity: giving to the right hands
- Punjab Policy brief-4 Promoting the culture of dialogue in Punjab
- Punjab Policy brief-5 Intellectual and scholarly trends on countering violent extremism in Punjab
- Punjab Policy brief-6 Role of Punjab’s literary and cultural institutions in countering extremism
- National Policy brief-1 Religious Thought and Conflict
- National Policy brief-2 Reintegration of Militants
- National Policy brief-3 National Dialogue and Social Contract
- National Policy brief-4 Implementing National Action Plan
- National Policy brief-5 Constitution, Citizenship and Governance
- National Policy brief-6 Youth Engagement Program
- National Policy brief-7 Media Engagement Programs
- National Policy brief-8 Cultural Diversity and Pluralism
- National Policy brief-9 Education reforms
- National Policy brief-10 Internal security and challenges
- محفوظ اور ہم آہنگ پاکستان
- Reconstruction of the national narratives and counter-violent extremism model for pakistan
- Secure and Inclusive Pakistan
- PIPS Conference Brief
- Policy Brief April- May 2023
- POLICY BRIEF Jun- Aug 2023
• This brief summarizes the findings of the second working group on Counter-Violent Extremism (CVE), which deliberated upon the mechanism for reintegrating militants willing to shun violence and/or denounce the practice of takfeer(declaring fellow Muslims out of creed of Islam)
. • Skepticism was also expressed of the results of reintegrating militants into society, given that militant ideologies may yet continue to nurture. However, the group agreed that, to tackle militancy in the long run, attempts should be made of adopting soft approaches, exploring the possibility of reintegrating militants or rehabilitating them back in the society.
• The group called for a Pakistan-specific rehabilitation and reintegration model, which takes into account Pakistan’s specific need, especially its democratic ethos. ....
Event Report:
High-powered parliament-endorsed commissions required to review dealing with militant groups