Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-8, No-1, 2016

- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-8, No-1, 2016
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-10, No-2, 2018
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-7, No-2, Jul-Dec 2015
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-7, No-1, Jan-Jun 2015
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-6, No-1, Jan-Jun 2014
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-4, No-3, Jul-Sep 2011
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-4, No-2, Apr-Jun 2011
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-4, No-1, Jan-Mar 2011
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-2, No-3, Jul-Sep 2009
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-2, No-2, Apr-Jun 2009
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-2, No-1, Jan-Mar 2009
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-1, No-1, 2008
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-5, No-1, Jan-Jun 2013
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-6, No-2, July-Dec 2014
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-3, No-4, Oct-Dec 2010
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-3, No-3, July-Sep 2010
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-3, No-2, Apr-Jun 2010
- Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-3, No-1, Jan-Mar 2010
Editor: Muhammad Amir Rana
Associate Editors: Safdar Sial, Muhammad Ismail Khan
There is a need for direct and sustained multi-layered engagement between Pakistan and Afghanistan – for sure, discussing Taliban, a key irritant, but not them alone. Without such a framework, bilateral ties will continue to remain hostage to Taliban.
These are some of the findings of the PIPS special report reviewing Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan. The report comprises of insights on the roots of tensions between the two countries, the status of peace talks to the dynamics of Taliban movement, the issue of Pashtun factor in Pakistan’s policy, the trends in transit trade through Pakistan, among other. The journal calls Pakistan for investing in soft power in Afghanistan, with which it shares religion, culture, language, and border. It calls upon Pakistan to realize the changing environment around Afghanistan too, and touches upon the fallout of the policy to Pakistan's own internal order.