An independent think-tank

Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol-3, No-1, Jan-Mar 2010


Editor: Muhammad Amir Rana
Associate Editor: Najam U Din
Foreign Editor: Ranga Kalansooriya (Sri Lanka)

‘Conflict and Peace Studies’ has completed two years of its publication. The appreciation, criticism and suggestions from our readers have helped us to continue our efforts and overcome our shortcomings. I hope your cooperation will continue in the future.
In view of the suggestions from our readers and the thematic programs of Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), the Editorial Board has decided to dedicate the next four issues to radicalization and extremism in Pakistan. PIPS specializes in both areas and has initiated a number of major studies on the subjects; the first was a survey to identify the level of radicalization in the country and to measure trends among different segments of the population. The outcome of the survey is 10 comprehensive empirical papers, which would be published in the next two issues. The last issue of the year will focus on the militant landscape of Pakistan. PIPS believes these in-depth studies would help to expand the information base on the issues as well as facilitate an understanding of the phenomena in the religious, political, economic, socio-cultural and physiological perspectives.
The current issue includes a special section on the militants’ media in Pakistan. The papers, reports and comments in the section were contributed for two seminars organized by PIPS to understand the characteristics of militants’ media. Three other papers included in this issue address various aspects of local and regional conflicts.
